We’re big proponents of digital transformation and have written previously on both the benefits of digitising and the scanning services we offer. Unfortunately with the advent of new technologies that can help us become more efficient both at work and home come new threats. Cyber security is a phrase that we keep seeing (and definitely one that we take seriously when it comes to handling client data) but just what is it and how can you minimise the risk to your personal and business details?

Appropriate cyber security guards against online threats, for the average person on the street this usually means cyber crime in the form of stealing financial data, intellectual property or personal data, or the hacking into of websites or databases, with the purpose here usually being to either impair the website or take the personal details stored online. Sadly, cyber crime is becoming ever easier to commit, with potential cyber criminals actually being able to buy ‘off the peg’ software complete with support. With the internet becoming ever more accessible, it is more important than ever to ensure that you guard against this type of crime.

It’s all well and good us telling you about the risks of cyber crime, but just what can you do to ensure that you and your business stay protected? First of all, Microsoft publishes a monthly summary of any issues with its systems, so set your calendar for the publication date (second Tuesday of each month) and read through, or send to your IT department and have them look at it. Second of all, before putting together your cyber security strategy, conduct a risk assessment to identify any weaknesses and possible areas of vulnerabilities. Thirdly, think about how you store sensitive data? Is it on a PC with an internet connection? Or on your server? Or remotely in the Cloud? Each of these methods of storage leaves any sensitive data open to threats and leaves both you and your business at risk.

There are a number of ways to combat threats to your data, from effectively managing (and limiting) user privileges, to increasing user education and awareness and establishing anti malware policies on a company wide basis. If you have records or data that you need to store for a particular length of time, for example financial documents, we’d suggest removing them entirely from a computer linked to the internet and storing the media in a physical location with 24 hour security. Yet again another news story breaks which tells of data lost or stolen, it seems in this day and age you can never be too careful.

To find out more about how we can help get in touch on 020 3234 0090 or email bookings@tiptopmedia.co.uk