by Colin Edwards | May 4, 2020 | Archive Storage Solutions in London, B2B, GDPR, Local Business, Recycling, Tape & Film, TipTop Media
As a company that offers responsible recycling services and has written many times on the importance of recycling, it is very much a sign of these odd times that we are offering up a blog post called ‘how NOT to recycle’ that explains why you should be...
by Colin Edwards | Apr 3, 2020 | Archive Storage Solutions in London, B2B, Document Scanning, Document Storage, GDPR, Local Business, Security, TipTop Media
With the UK now in the second week of lockdown, and predictions that the initial three week period could be further extended, staying informed of all the financial help available through government schemes is essential. The following COVID-19 support schemes are all...
by Colin Edwards | Mar 18, 2020 | Archive Storage Solutions in London, B2B, Document Scanning, GDPR, Local Business, Security, TipTop Media
With the Corona virus now firmly established in the UK, and been given the definitely less cosy sounding name of COVID-19, much has (rightly) been made of the need to delay the virus, namely by practising good hand hygiene. Disruption to businesses and the economy is...
by Colin Edwards | Feb 3, 2020 | Document Scanning, Document Storage, GDPR, Local Business, Recycling, TipTop Media
Part of our blog planning process involves looking at the topics that we wrote about last year, to see if they are still pertinent and likely to come up in the new calendar year, or were one off events unlikely to recur. Reviewing our blogs inevitably means that we...
by Colin Edwards | Jan 6, 2020 | Archive Storage Solutions in London, B2B, Document Scanning, Document Shredding, Document Storage, GDPR, Local Business, Recycling, Security, Tape & Film, TipTop Media
We’re a few days into 2020, and a fresh new decade, but the last year is still very much on the forefront of everyone’s thinking. With that in mind, we thought we’d take a look at the key talking points of 2019. Brexit June saw the three year anniversary of the EU...
by Colin Edwards | Nov 6, 2019 | B2B, Document Scanning, Document Storage, GDPR, Local Business, Security, TipTop Media
Our blog post for this month was scheduled to be a look at UK Business in the post Brexit world,but with a new flextension agreed, and a General Election in six weeks time, that post will have to wait. So with that in mind we thought we’d take a fresh look at...